How to

Configure VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP)

In this lesson we will see how to configure the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP). In order to implement the VTP among the Switches, we have to follow the steps below:

1.Configure the VTP Server

2.Configure the VTP Domain and Password

3.Configure the VTP Clients

4.Configure the VLANs on VTP Server

5.Verify that the VTP Clients have received the VLAN Info

1. First we must configure the VTP Server

S1(config)# vtp mode server

2. Next we have to configure the VTP Domain and Password

S1(config)# vtp domain CCNA

S1(config)# vtp password cisco

3. Now we will configure the VTP mode as well as the VTP domain to the Clients

S2(config)# vtp mode client

S2(config)# vtp domain CCNA

S2(config)# vtp password cisco

S3(config)# vtp mode client

S3(config)# vtp domain CCNA

S3(config)# vtp password cisco

4.In the end, we must configure the VLANs on VTP Server

S1(config)# vlan 10

S1(config-vlan)# name SALES

S1(config-vlan)# vlan 20

S1(config-vlan)# name MARKETING

S1(config-vlan)# vlan 30

S1(config-vlan)# name ACCOUNT

5. In order to verify that the VTP Clients have received the VLAN Info we can use the commands bellow

S2# show vlan brief

S2# show vtp status